Original Articles

Preoperative keratometry agreement: vector comparison between the IOLMaster 500, Galilei G2, and a Takagi autorefractor

Henry Wallace, Sunny Sixiao Li, James McKelvie, Stuti Misra

244-258 |

Comparison of contrast sensitivity between three aspheric acrylic monofocal intraocular lenses: a prospective randomised trial

Chin Chiet Ying Alice, Banumathi Gurusamy, Lim Keat Andrew, Mae-Lynn Catherine Bastion

259-283 |

Case Series

A rare presentation of eyelid tuberculosis

Woon Tian Qing, Noorlaila Bt Baharuddin, Nor Fadzillah Bt Abd Jalil, Raja Norliza Raja Omar, Wan Haslina Wan Abdul Halim

284-288 |

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and full-thickness macular hole induced by lightning

Qian Zhi Haw, Francesca Martina Vendargon, Kiet Phang Ling

301-307 |


Usage of aspheric IOL design: the way forward

Mohtar Ibrahim

234-235 |