MyJO has updated its author guidelines by providing templates to easily structure manuscripts. Manuscripts submitted from Monday, March 3 will be required to use the appropriate template for each article type. Manuscripts already submitted will not be affected by the change. Please check the Submissions page for the updated guidelines. We hope that the new templates will streamline the submission process for authors.
Considering the worlwide impact of COVID-19 on ophthalmological practice, MyJO is offering to fast-track articles on the subject. You may send your submissions by clicking here. Please stay safe!
The Malaysian Journal of Ophthalmology (MyJO) has just been established, and is still in the setup stages. MyJO aims to provide a platform for ophthalmologists, clinicians, researchers, trainees, students, optometrists, and eye care providers to publish their work and to promote knowledge enhancement among ophthalmologists and eye care providers in Malaysia.
MyJO is now accepting manusript submissions, register to start the process. See the submission preparation checklist and author guidelines here