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This case series highlights the possibility of retinoblastoma in children with a history of trauma. Retinoblastoma commonly presents with leukocoria. In our series, the history of blunt trauma led to a misdiagnosis. The delay in correctly diagnosing retinoblastoma was made more difficult with hyphaema and vitreous haemorrhage obscuring the fundus view. Hyperdensities in imaging tests were mistaken for intraocular foreign bodies and post-trauma insult rather than calcification of an intraocular tumour. Both patients underwent anterior chamber washout. The patients were referred to our centre when their condition worsened. Retinoblastoma was highly suspected and confirmed from histopathological examination after enucleation. An accurate diagnosis can only be achieved by exercising a high index of suspicion. Misdiagnosis and mismanagement will lead to poor prognosis.